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My Work

I am an interdisciplinary performance artist combining the mediums of dance, aerial acrobatics, impactful visual tableaus, and storytelling to create original performative works.  My work focuses on the spectacular body as a vehicle to unearth and confront stories that are hidden from ourselves and each other.  Elements of the bizarre and aberrant are presented as a direct commentary on the unnatural social structures we find ourselves operating within, always through a feminist lens. My work is driven by a fascination with how the unseen influences of oppressive structures distort our experiences; including personal mythology, societal conditioning, and subconscious belief patterns put in place by patriarchal establishments. To uncover the aspects of ourselves, particularly the feminine aspects present in all people which are buried, suppressed, and mutilated by the sanction of outside influences is both my subject matter and my intended effect on the viewer. 


This internal place of attention is where I aim to meet my audience in an effort to tell them stories that they can relate to within themselves.


All of the stories are true.



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